(Online Learning via SCI ONLINE Global Classroom.)
GST Rate Change |
Please be advised Goods and Services (GST) rate revisions in Singapore from 8% to 9% will take effect from 1 January 2024.
All invoices issued in 2025 will be subject to the prevailing GST of 9%. |
InsurTech Library 1
SCI is pleased to introduce 21 complimentary digital learning modules to add to its library.
Series 1 gives a current view of the InsurTech scene, the rising stars of InsurTech, the trends for InsurTech and how incumbents can transform themselves with the technologies created by these startups, etc.
Series 2 profiles an insurtech startup with a specific theme (e.g. APIs); technologies behind some startup businesses and their aim to work with incumbents to deliver their technological solutions to the market.
Series 3 covers an incumbent innovating in the insurtech space, the inspiration behind them, as well as the change/ impact it has brought to the market.
Series 4 features startups that are building technological offerings that will benefit the insurance industry; which may not necessary have to be insurtech startups.
InsurTech Library 2
SCI is pleased to introduce 21 complimentary digital learning modules to add to its library.
Financial Wellbeing as an Employee Benefit
Has Auditing Kept Up With The Rise of Open Insurance
How Behavioural Science Can Improve the Customer Journey
How Insurers Can Ramp Up Their Innovation Efforts
How InsurTech Can Prepare Insurance For The Next Pandemic
Insurance Brokerage During Covid-19 and Beyond
Insurance For The Gig Economy
InsurTech The Past, Present, and Future
Making an Impact with Socially Responsible Investing
Non-Insurance Is The New Insurance
Protecting Digital Lives
Retiring Well With The Help of Tech
Serving the Underinsured using Technology
Telemedicine The Bridge Between Wealth and Health
Using Artificial Intelligence to Rate Your Financial Adviser
Using Microinsurance to Improve Insurance Coverage
What Does It Mean To Have Hassle-Free All Digital Insurance
What Does It Mean To Have Smart Insurance
What New Coverage Will We Need 5 Years From Now
When Tech Trumps Relationships In Insurance
Why Are VCs So Bullish About InsurTech
For Payment: Please select "By Corporate Cheque / Bank Draft". You would not be charged nor invoiced as the modules are offered on a complimentary basis.